Industry research analysis
Proposed growth metrics
Structured process
Positive results
Is this proposal aligned with overall company and team goals?
What are the dependencies and lift?
If no internal or external resources are available, is it still possible to do the following on my own:
Execute this strategy
Maintain and grow this initiative once live
Meet the proposed results
Which target audience am I reaching?
Is the final structure for this process easily transferrable to other team members, need they take over?
My Skills
AI + Design
Runway, Midjourney, DALL-E 2, Playground AI, and Adobe Creative Cloud.
Copywriting, Collaboration, Management, Organization. With experience in PR, Digital, Branding, & Paid Campaigns.
Blog & Newsletter
HubSpot, Mailchimp, Braze, Beehiiv, Mirror, Medium.
WordPress, Intercom, Notion, Google Search Console, Google Analytics.
Social Media
Twitter, Discord, Telegram, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok.
bergen 2023
New York, NY